Monday, May 25, 2009

. Monday, May 25, 2009

Use FreeHand MX for creative design, storyboarding, document production, and editing with an unparalleled set of creative design tools. Easily repurpose your designs for print, the Internet, or Adobe Flash.


Adobe and the Future of FreeHandNo updates to FreeHand have been made for over four years, and Adobe has no plans to initiate development to add new features or to upport Intel-based Macs and Windows Vista.

To support customer workflows, we will continue to sell FreeHand and offer technical and customer support in accordance with our policies.

While we recognize FreeHand has a loyal customer base, we encourage users to migrate to the new Adobe Illustrator CS3 which supports both PowerPC and Intel-based Macs and Microsoft Windows XP and Windows Vista.

Illustrator CS3 offers powerful new features, including functionality designed to appeal to FreeHand users such as tight integration with Adobe Flash CS3 Professional, sophisticated color controls, an intuitive Eraser tool, easier Path editing, and more responsive performance.

FreeHand customers can switch to Illustrator CS3 for US$199 (volume licensing also available), and access complimentary resources to ease the transition. For additional information, please visit

FreeHand MX Top FeaturesMultiple Attributes
Apply unlimited stroke, fill, and effect attributes to a single vector or text object.

Action Tool
Drag and drop complex Macromedia Flash actions between objects, symbols, and pages.

Connector Lines Tool
Quickly map information architecture, data flows, and site maps.

More new features
Top 10 FreeHand MX features
System requirements

Multiple Attributes

FreeHand MX in ActionSee FreeHand MX in Action
Do even more with your designs with new FreeHand MX multipublishing features.

System Requirements:

FreeHand MX 11.0.2Windows

Intel Pentium III 600MHz processor or equivalent
Microsoft Windows 98 SE (4.10.2222 A), Windows 2000, or Windows XP
64MB of RAM (128MB recommended)
100MB of available hard-disk space

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