Wednesday, April 29, 2009

. Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Autodesk AutoCAD LT 2010 English Win32 DVD-NoPE| 900 MB


AutoCAD LT® 2D drafting and detailing software is the professional choice because we focus on boosting your productivity. A comprehensive set of 2D tools allows you to accurately and efficiently create, modify, and document your drawings. Using the genuine DWG file format provides stability and compatibility when you communicate with clients and colleagues. And you can optimize the software for the way you work with menu and user interface options. Packed with powerful features, AutoCAD LT is built for drafting.

What’s New
AutoCAD LT® 2D drafting and drawing software is already known for its efficiency, power, and reliability. But now it‘s better than ever.

With AutoCAD LT 2010 software, we’ve added more of the 2D tools you’ve been asking for, like Align, Xref, and Block Attribute commands. High-quality PDF output means you can easily share 2D drawings with anyone. And you can save time by attaching PDFs as an underlay in drawing files. The professional choice in drafting and detailing software now has even more ways to increase your productivity.
PDF Output Enhancements
Now you can publish PDFs directly from AutoCAD LT 2D software, enabling you to easily share files and communicate with others in this widely used electronic information exchange format. PDFs offer improved visual quality of the font and line weight, and now, it’s even possible to highlight, search, and copy text.

Exporting text as TrueType fonts further reduces the file size. The enhanced PDF driver includes data from layers that are turned on and thawed when the plot is created. Once plotting is complete, the PDF automatically appears.
PDF Input/Underlay Support

Make PDFs work for you. Take advantage of this common document publishing format by inserting PDFs that you can snap to as underlays in drawings. Benefit from the increased efficiency and accuracy gained from being able to insert a PDF with nearly full fidelity.
2D Drafting Tools from AutoCAD
Your wishes are our new commands. AutoCAD LT now enables easier and more productive drafting with Align, Xref, and Block Attribute commands.
* Align—The Align command enables you to pick points that will be used to move, scale, and/or rotate an object to bring it into alignment with another object.
* Xref—In-Place Reference Editing (REFEDIT) enables you to make changes directly to a referenced file without opening it. Use REFEDIT on block references when you want to modify a block and still see its surrounding geometry. Related to REFEDIT is XOPEN, which enables you to right-click on an xref and open it directly from the drawing editor or the External References Palette. With these tools, you won't have to list an xref to find out its name and browse for the file again.
* XCLIP—Finally, the ability to clip an external reference is now fully functional in AutoCAD LT 2010. Use XCLIP to create your own clipping boundaries, turn them on or off, and even invert them.
* Block Attribute Commands—AutoCAD LT 2010 makes it easier than ever to manage block definitions containing attributes.
* Synchronize Attributes (ATTSYNC)—Synchronize Attributes is now a core command. Now, when you add or remove attribute definitions from blocks, you can update all instances of that block to reflect the new attributes.
* Enhanced Attribute Editor—The Enhanced Attribute Editor has also made its way into AutoCAD LT 2010. Use this tool to quickly change properties of individual attributes in addition to entering values.

Additional 2D Drafting Commands
Draft with more options and controls for viewing and editing your 2D drawings. AutoCAD LT now allows you to fade the display intensity of xrefs and has new intuitive measurement tools, new viewport rotation options, and multileader improvements. So routine, time-consuming tasks won’t slow you down.
Compare Your Version of AutoCAD LT with AutoCAD LT 2010Wonder what’s been added to AutoCAD LT 2D drafting software since your last upgrade? See the AutoCAD LT Release Comparison Matrix for a side-by-side comparison.

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